Vaccination for students

Recent surveys that have gauged the study abroad intentions and attitudes of students in more than 20 countries in the wake of the pandemic provide an optimistic picture with a majority of the current students studying in destinations outside their native country as well as those who intend to go abroad for studies in the near future recognizing the measures undertaken by destination countries to contain the pandemic and showing willingness to accept the measures if it can help them to study during the current academic year instead of deferring higher studies for an indefinite period. The survey was conducted among students from countries like India, Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Philippines, and Sri Lanka who are currently studying in one of the main English-language destinations of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US or have a clear intention of studying in these countries in the near future.

The survey response has indicated that the mood among students is buoyant regarding studying abroad and many of them intend to carry on with their original plan to have higher education abroad. Most of them showed willingness to be vaccinated and to even undergo quarantine so as to be able to study abroad. Vaccine passports are now being issued by a number of countries including China, Japan and the UK (which have a very high international student population) and students have been showing a willingness to be vaccinated and be granted a vaccine passport which will enable them to study in their preferred destination country. A vaccine passport is a documentary proof stating that the person was vaccinated against Covid-19 and is hence, fit to travel.

The survey results for India show that more than half of the students who are currently receiving higher education abroad or are intending to travel abroad and study in the near future have already received both doses of the vaccination. Vaccine hesitancy is much less among the students and even among the students who are yet to receive vaccinations, a good percentage would receive the vaccine as soon as they were able to in order to receive a vaccine passport. Students also seem to be showing a preference for destinations that have the ability to provide vaccines upon arrival.

The pandemic has seen a phenomenal change in the way education is being imparted, with most institutions opting for the online mode of education. While there has always been a marked preference for destinations abroad that offer the opportunity for face-to-face interaction, students are now more open to beginning their studies online and then transitioning to face-to-face instruction in the destination country. There is a general feel that it would be a better alternative to deferring their study plans until face-to-face study was available. Student life continues unhurt and so is the aspiration for overseas education. Contact us today for more information on Higher Studies and Careers Abroad.