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Countries Canada New Zeland Australia UK Singapore Ireland USA
Can a student go after 10th? No No Yes Yes Yes No No
Course Duration 2 years – Diploma ; 4years – Degree 2 years – Diploma ; 3 years – Degree 3-4 years (Engineering is 4 years and rest are 3 years) 3 years but some colleges offer fast track degree of BBA in 2years Private Colleges take 2 years and Government Universities take 3 years 3-4 years 4 years
IELTS Requirement 6.0 (5.5 in each) 6.0 (5.5) 6.0 (5.5) 6.0 (5.5) If a letter shows medium of instruction was english then IELTS not required 5.5(5.0 in each) 70 (TOEFL)
IELTS waiver No Yes only if the student has studied from an English speaking country. Not for the students whose last degree was from India. No Yes Yes No Yes
Is National Institute of Open Learning recognized? Time Studies Acceptable? Only few colleges accept. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Is Pre-Sessional recommended for low IELTS? No No Yes Yes Yes No No
Is SAT exam required? Majority of universities do not need SAT No No No No. Except SMU. No Yes
Living expense 5-6 lakhs p.a 7-8 lakhs p.a 12-13 lakhs p.a 10-12 lakhs p.a 8-10 lakhs p.a 5-6 lakhs 8-10 lakhs
Minimum % 50% 45-50% 60-75% 50% 60% 50% 60%
Part Time work 20 hrs per week (during studies) ; 40 hrs per week (during vacations) 20 hrs per week (during studies) ; 40 hrs per week (during vacations) 40 hrs per fortnight (during studies) ; 40 hrs per week (during vacations) 20 hrs per week (during studies) ; 40 hrs per week (during vacations) Not Allowed in Pvt but Govt Unis allow 16 hours per week 20 hrs per week (during studies) ; 40 hrs per week (during vacations) 20 hrs per week (on- campus)
Qualification for UG Year 12 or equivalent Year 12 or equivalent Year 12 or equivalent Year 12 or equivalent Year 11 or 12th Year 12 or equivalent Year 12 or equivalent
Recent fund acceptable? 6 Months old Recent funds under FTS OR 6 months old 1 month old with source 28 days old 1 day old 6 months old 6 months old
Sponsors Blood Relations Blood Relations & Third Party Blood Relations & Third Party Self or Parents. Can have joint account with Third Party Anyone Blood Relatives and Third Party Blood related
Spouse Visa No Yes (only if the Level 7 course is in skill shortage area) 2-4 Years No No No No
Stay Back duration (guaranteed) 1-3 Years 1 Year 2-4 Years 4 months 1 month 2 years 1 Year
Time required for PR after studies 1-2 years 1-2 years 2- 4 years 5 years 1-2 years 2- 4 years 5 years 5 years
Total Expense 11-20 lakhs p.a 11-20 lakhs p.a 18-24 lakhs p.a 13-20 lakhs p.a 17- 20 lakhs p.a 12-19 lakhs 17-24 lakhs
Tuition fee 6-10 lakhs p.a (Colleges) ; 12- 15 lakhs p.a. (Universities) 6-10 lakhs p.a (Colleges) ; 12- 15 lakhs p.a. (Universities) 10-14 lakhs p.a 8-15 lakhs p.a. 11-13 lakhs p.a 8-14 lakhs p.a 10-15 lakhs