University of Gdansk (Study Medicine in Poland)
Population: 38,163,000
Capital: Warsaw
Area: 312,685 square kilometers
Language: Polish
Currency: Zloty
GDP per Capita: U.S. $9,700
Industry: Machine building, iron and steel, coal mining, chemicals, shipbuilding
Exports: Machinery and transport equipment, intermediate manufactured goods

Follow your dream and become an International Doctor after MBBS in Poland: Acquire International exposure; meet new people and make friends, you will get to know thousands of foreign students studying MBBS. You can practice in any country. You will meet students who come from the US, Canada, Australia, UK, Scandinavian & EU countries, Vietnam, Taiwan, India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and the list go on and on…Some more reasons why MBBS in Poland is one of the best countries to study MBBS are mentioned below:
- Poland is a part of Europe, so, MBBS in Poland follows a European education pattern.
- It also holds a special place in Europe. So, thank the location.
- The developed education system for MBBS in Poland
- High standard of studies and it is an essential part in European space of MBBS in Poland.
- Scholarships are available for MBBS in Poland.
- Stipend for MBBS in Poland.
MBBS in Europe for Indian Students
Medical Universities in Europe provide quality education in the field of medicine with the guidelines of renowned teachers and researchers. The cost of a medical degree in India is very high and very competitive. Indian Students want to study MBBS in Europe by considering some main factors are Quality education, Low cost, Admission process, Languages, Infrastructures, multicultural environment, recognition, and others. Medical Universities in Europe provide quality education in the field of medicine with the guidelines of renowned teachers and researchers. The cost of a medical degree in India is very high and very competitive. Indian Students want to study MBBS in Europe by considering some main factors are Quality education, Low cost, Admission process, Languages, Infrastructures, multicultural environment, recognition, and others.
Poland is one of the most preferred destinations for medical education in Europe and gaining lots of popularity day by day because of its high-quality education, affordable tuition, world-class accommodation facility, and flexible recruitment process.
The Medical University of Gdańsk (MUG) is the largest medical university in northern Poland, located in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. The MUG educates over 6000 undergraduate and post-graduate students at 4 Faculties: Health Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, and the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology.
The MUG is ranked 8th among all the Polish universities and the 1st Polish medical higher education institution in the 2019 edition of the ranking conducted by the Perspektywy Education Foundation. International students constitute nearly 16% of the MUG’s students and represent more than half of all international students in Gdańsk. Most of them come from Sweden, Norway, India, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Canada, the UK, the USA, Iraq, Germany, and Spain. The MUG organizes Orientation Week, a special week of introductory activities for first-year medical students to introduce them to medical school life and to formally induct them into the profession of medicine. The campus area is situated very close to the classroom buildings. It consists of 4 dormitories with space for 1000 students, the students club „Medyk”, a grocery shop and a photocopy shop. There is also a canteen, which offers meals at student-friendly prices. A Wireless Internet connection is provided in all dormitories.
Thanks to the funds provided to the MUG by the Foundation for Polish Science as part of the International Research Agenda pro-gramme (Międzynarodowe agency Badawcze – MAB), a research center has been established that specializes in research on acquired genetic aberrations acquired as a risk factor for cancer and other diseases. The Medical University of Gdańsk now officially holds the status of a research university. It is 1 of 10 universities in Poland and the only medical university that was awarded a place in this prestigious group.
The Invasive Medicine Center and Non-Invasive Medicine Center is one of the largest and newest hospital complexes in Poland. We also have a modern Sports Center. The MUG cooperates with more than 50 universities and scientific centers around the world, i. e. it conducts an exchange of students and faculty staff members in the framework of the Erasmus+ program and is an active member of Europe an organization – the ScanBalt and the Baltic Sea Region University Network.
Since 2009, the University has been a member of „Study in Pomor-skie”, a programme which promotes universities from our region abroad.