In 2023, the international education sector is likely to be shaped by several trends, according to an analysis of internal data, government data, and external research. Predicting the sector’s future can be challenging as student choice becomes increasingly influential. However, fields of study that are hiring and have a stable long-term outlook are expected to attract the attention of international students, particularly in light of economic instability. One such field that is poised to become a significant focus of the study is healthcare.

1. Healthcare: A Fast-Growing Field of Study

Healthcare is an increasingly popular field of study for international students, proven by the growing demand for healthcare services worldwide, driven partly by aging populations in major destination markets. The field of healthcare has seen rapid growth from 2020 to 2022, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years.

International Education Predictions for 2023

Recent data from major destination markets show that healthcare is a field with a high demand for skilled professionals. For instance, Statistics Canada reported that the number of job vacancies for non-management healthcare roles was at a record high in 2022. This indicates a strong demand for healthcare workers and presents an opportunity for international students to find jobs in Canada after graduation. Taking a closer look at the global healthcare workforce reveals a significant shortage of healthcare workers. It is anticipated that by 2030, there will be a shortage of 18 million healthcare workers worldwide. 

The United States is projected to require more than 1 million nurses and 120,000 doctors. A 2021 Mercer report predicts that over 6.5 million people in the US will permanently leave their jobs in healthcare in the next five years. There is an estimated replacement of only 1.9 million people. This allows international students to fill these vacancies and contribute to the US healthcare industry.

In the United Kingdom, the National Health Service (NHS) suggested a shortage of nearly 100,000 staff before March 2020. The pandemic has only worsened this shortage, creating an even greater demand for healthcare professionals in the UK. International students who study healthcare in the UK can play a pivotal role in filling these vacancies and contributing to the country’s healthcare system. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of healthcare professionals in maintaining public health, further amplifying the need for skilled healthcare professionals worldwide. Consequently, more students are turning to healthcare as a field of study, as it provides a sense of purpose and an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to society.

International students have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact in the healthcare industry as educated and trained professionals. By studying healthcare, they can help fill the growing demand for skilled professionals in major destination markets and make a meaningful difference in people’s lives in their communities. In 2023, we expect to see a continued rise in interest from international students in the field of healthcare. This trend is likely to continue in the coming years, making healthcare one of the most sought-after fields of study in international education. With the growing demand for healthcare professionals, healthcare is poised to become one of the most lucrative fields for international students in the coming years.

2. Post-Graduation Work Offerings

The availability of post-graduation job opportunities is a critical factor that influences international students’ program and destination choices. Students are keen to understand a country’s post-graduation work offerings to gauge their prospects of securing employment following graduation. They consider factors such as the duration of stay, eligibility for permanent residency, and other immigration policies as they plan their next move. In 2023, countries that offer attractive post-graduation work programs are expected to attract more international students. Over the past few years, major English-speaking destination markets have made changes to their post-graduation work policies, creating a more favorable environment for students.

The UK’s Graduate Route visa permits students to remain in the country for at least two years after graduation, with the option to switch to the skilled worker visa for an extension. The US has expanded its Optional Practical Training (OPT) program, allowing 22 additional STEM sub-fields to qualify for a two-year extension. In Canada, the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) enables international graduates to stay and work in the country for up to three years. Almost every applicant to the program is approved. In Australia, the Post-Study Work stream allows international students to live, work, and study in the country for two to four years, depending on their qualifications.

These changes in post-graduation work policies are expected to influence student mobility in 2023, with countries offering more favorable work programs, such as the UK and Australia, predicted to experience an increase in international student enrollment.

3. India Overtaking China in Major Destination Markets

India’s rise in the international student market has been noticeable over the past few years, with the number of Indian students pursuing international education increasing while Chinese enrollment has decreased. This is due to the government’s efforts to develop its post-secondary education systems and institutions, China is transitioning from being a top country of origin to a destination market of its own. 

International Education Predictions for 2023

There has been a rise of approximately 27% in the number of new international students from India as compared to pre-pandemic levels. Canada and the UK have already seen India overtake China as the leading country of origin for international students,  UK has seen a more than twofold increase in the number of new Indian international students, with a significant jump of 174%. While the US has held onto its number-one spot for Chinese enrollment growth since 2010. However, in 2023, we expect India to overtake China as the largest international student population in the US, which will further widen the gap between these two giants.

In conclusion, pursuing an education abroad can provide an array of opportunities to broaden your horizons and prepare you for a successful career. However, navigating the selection process and application procedures can be challenging and requires significant effort and expertise. To ensure a smooth and legitimate process, consider seeking guidance from 3zstudy abroad’s expert consultants. With our support, you can maximize your chances of success and make the most of your international education experience.

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