International scholars wishing to study in Germany have to prove they have enough money in their blocked bank account to meet their living expenses during their studies. This is a required procedure to be eligible for a German student visa or to extend their student resident permit.

In summary, international students must demonstrate financial resources to cover their living expenses in Germany under current law regulations. Starting from the fall semester of the 2022–23 academic year, German Universities and German authorities are expected to increase the amount for international students from €10,332 to €11,172. This can enable the students to withdraw a monthly payment of €931. Previously it was €861.
In late 2020, the increase was only 0.93 percent, but a substantial increase will be expected by 8.1 percent this year. According to Gent Ukehajdaraj from, the reason for the increase in the blocked bank account count while comparing to 2020 is the inflation that has affected the whole world, including Germany.

A Possible Cause for the Increase
In Germany, most of these policies exchange with a close arrangement of matters under the German Federal Training Assistance Act. According to the Ministry of Education and Research, the deliberate modifications to the BAföG (the regulation governing financial assistance for students of higher education) are as follows:-I
-Increasing the allowances on income by 20 percent per pupil to enlarge the scope of the BAföG.
-Increasing the requirement rates, the childcare payments, and the housing repayments so that the allowance amount will increase from the cutting-edge €861 to €931.
-The age restriction will extend from 35 years at the beginning of a master’s diploma to a uniform 45 years.
-The opportunity to waive residual debt after twenty years to all debtors will see an extension.
-An association may come in the vicinity made to waive residual debt under simplified prerequisites and accept a problematic application process.

Ukehajdaraj claims, “With the prices going up, in particular when it comes to food and accommodation, it is obvious that students too will be affected. As a result of that, the amount required for a blocked bank account will also increase more than in the past since the German authorities want to make sure that third-country citizens studying at its universities have the necessary amount to support themselves while in Germany. ”
He also stated that the increase expected this year is much smaller than the one expected in January 2020, when the amount required for a blocked account increased from €8,640 until the end of November 2019 to €10,236 or 18.4 percent more. has contacted the German Ministry of Education related to the predicted increase, but the same has been directed to the journalists by the Federal Ministry of Interior and Homeland. The latter has not commented on the issue yet.

The approved changes are expected to become effective beginning from the forthcoming fall semester. As an overseas education consultant, 3Z has begun the required actions to facilitate the process for the students who seek our advice on moving abroad.